- combi::zhangMetaboMetabolomes of mice that underwent Pulsed Antibiotic Treatment (PAT) and controls
- combi::zhangMetavarsBaseline sample variables of PAT and control mice
- combi::zhangMicrobioMicrobiomes of mice that underwent Pulsed Antibiotic Treatment (PAT) and controls
- pim::DysDataThis is the Dysphagia data
- pim::EngelDataThis is the engel data
- pim::FEVDataThis is the Childhood respiratory disease data
- pim::MHDataThis is the Mental health data
- pim::SUDataThis is the Surgical unit data
- RCM::ZellerMicrobiomes of colorectal cancer patients and healthy controls
- reconsi::VandeputteMicrobiomes of Crohn's disease patients and healthy controls
- SPsimSeq::scNGP.dataNeuroblastoma NGP cells single-cell RNA-seq.
- SPsimSeq::zhang.data.subNeuroblastoma bulk RNA-seq data retrieved from Zhang et (2015).
- xnet::Kmat_y2h_scProtein interaction for yeast
- xnet::drugSimdrug target interactions for neural receptors
- xnet::drugTargetInteractiondrug target interactions for neural receptors
- xnet::proteinInteractionProtein interaction for yeast
- xnet::targetSimdrug target interactions for neural receptors