Package: pim 2.0.3

Joris Meys

pim: Fit Probabilistic Index Models

Fit a probabilistic index model as described in Thas et al, 2012: <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2011.01020.x>. The interface to the modeling function has changed in this new version. The old version is still available at R-Forge.

Authors:Joris Meys [aut, cre], Jan De Neve [aut], Nick Sabbe [aut], Gustavo Guimaraes de Castro Amorim [aut]

pim.pdf |pim.html
pim/json (API)

# Install 'pim' in R:
install.packages('pim', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • DysData - This is the Dysphagia data
  • EngelData - This is the engel data
  • FEVData - This is the Childhood respiratory disease data
  • MHData - This is the Mental health data
  • SUData - This is the Surgical unit data




5.33 score 10 stars 43 scripts 267 downloads 41 exports 3 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:b1c13668d7. Checks:6 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 08 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 08 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEMar 08 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 08 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 08 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 08 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 08 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 08 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 08 2025


An R package for fitting probabilistic index models

Rendered frompim.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Mar 08 2025.

Last update: 2017-08-24
Started: 2017-08-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Probabilistic Index Modelspim-package
Create a poset function.make.posfun
Add a poset to a pim.environment objectadd.poset add.poset,pim.environment-method
Convert a pim.environment to a data,pim.environment-method
Convert a pim.summary object to a matrixas.matrix as.matrix,pim-method as.matrix,pim.summary-method as.matrix.pim.summary
Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objectsclasses classes,pim.environment-method compare compare,pim.environment-method compare,pim.poset-method link link,pim-method link,pim.summary-method model model,pim-method model,pim.summary-method names names,pim.environment-method names,pim.poset-method
Extract the coefficients from a pim or pim.summary objectcoef coef,pim-method coef,pim.summary-method
Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIMconfint confint,pim-method confint,pim.summary-method confint.pim confint.pim.summary
Create a posetcreate.poset
Create a score function for use in a pim.CreateScoreFun
This is the Dysphagia dataDysData
This is the engel dataEngelData
Estimator functions for probabilistic index modelsestimator.BB estimator.glm estimator.nleqslv estimators
Extract method for pim.summary objectsExtract.pim.summary [,pim.summary-method
This is the Childhood respiratory disease dataFEVData
Extract the formula from a pim or pim.formula objectformula formula,pim-method formula,pim.formula-method
Check whether formula has an explicit intercepthas.intercept has.intercept,character-method has.intercept,formula-method has.intercept,pim-method has.intercept,pim.formula-method has.intercept,terms-method
Extract information from a pim.formula objecthas.specials has.specials,pim.formula-method lhs lhs, lhs,pim.formula-method terms terms, terms,pim.formula-method
Check whether a pim environment is completeis.complete
Specify the left hand and right hand side of an expression used in pimsL PP R
This is the Mental health dataMHData
Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index modelmodel.matrix model.matrix,pim-method model.matrix,pim.formula-method model.matrix.pim model.matrix.pim.formula
Create an object of class pimnew.pim
Constructor for a pim.environmentnew.pim.env new.pim.env,ANY-method new.pim.env,data.frame-method new.pim.env,environment-method new.pim.env,list-method new.pim.env,missing-method
Constructor for pim.formulanew.pim.formula new.pim.formula,formula,ANY-method new.pim.formula,formula,pim.environment-method
Create a pim.poset environmentnew.pim.poset new.pim.poset,character,numeric-method new.pim.poset,list,missing-method new.pim.poset,list,numeric-method new.pim.poset,matrix,missing-method new.pim.poset,matrix,numeric-method new.pim.poset,missing,numeric-method
Extract the number of observationsnobs,data.frame-method nobs,matrix-method nobs,pim.environment-method nobs,pim.poset-method
Probability functionP PO
Extract a pim environment from a model or formulapenv penv,pim-method penv,pim.formula-method
Fitting a Probabilistic Index Modelpim
Class pimpim-class
Getters for slots of a pim objectfitted fitted,pim-method getters-pim pim-getters
The pim.environment classpim.environment pim.environment-class
Fitter function for a probabilistic index
Class pim.formulapim.formula pim.formula-class
The pim.poset classpim.poset pim.poset-class
Class pim.summarypim.summary pim.summary-class
The data contained in the pim packagepimdata
Extract the poset as a matrix or listposet poset,environment-method poset,pim-method poset,pim.environment-method poset,pim.formula-method poset,pim.poset-method
Print methods for the different object typesprint print,pim-method print,pim.environment-method print,pim.formula-method print,pim.poset-method
Extract response from a pim.formula or a pim objectresponse response,pim-method response,pim.formula-method
Pseudo-observation variance sandwich estimatorsandwich.estimator score.estimator
This is the Surgical unit dataSUData
The summary function for the pim classsummary summary,pim-method summary.pim
Methods for vcovvcov vcov,list-method vcov,pim-method
vcov estimators for pimsandwich.vcov score.vcov vcov.estimators
Internal functions for vcov estimationU.sandwich U.score vcov.internal